Layout generated at 3/14/2025, 10:14:00 PM

Page generated at 3/14/2025, 10:14:00 PM

Athletes and fitness buffs have found the perks of medicine balls for workouts, and this Medicine Ball Rebounder is a vital enhancement to their regimen. Medicine ball thrusting exercises help increase the explosiveness and power of the upper body, and are certainly effective for those who play baseball, volleyball, football, tennis and basketball. Includes tubular steel frame with 28" diameter rebound area; solid handle with neoprene grip. Built-in tray holds balls when not in use. Measures 43"H x 40"W x 40"L. Adjustable for different angles, the Medicine Ball Rebounder needs full body effort for maximum effectiveness.
  • Heavy-duty tubular steel frame with 28" diameter rebound area
  • Solid handle with neoprene grip
  • Adjustable for different rebound angles
  • Built-in tray to hold balls when not in use
  • Round Medicine Ball Rebounder




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