Layout generated at 3/12/2025, 3:47:15 PM

Page generated at 3/12/2025, 3:47:15 PM

Since every kick starts with a successful launch, this Pro-Down Universal Kicking Tee makes an ideal launching pad. Classic 2" rubber design is a model of effectiveness. Now another player (or parent) can be freed from the tiresome job of positioning the football during kicking practice. This sturdy, well-built Tee is a proven winner--rugged enough to take the field and withstand the rigors of the game. You can also put the Tee to work displaying special collectible footballs in game rooms.

  • 2" Universal style rubber kicking tee


Pro-Down Universal Kicking Tee



Special features

  • Traditional rubber tee for kickers of all ages.


Ships FedEx

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