Layout generated at 3/12/2025, 3:43:36 PM

Page generated at 3/12/2025, 3:43:36 PM

Ideal for use in places equipped with a community ping-pong table, this GameCraft® Economy Rubber Table Tennis Paddle encourages friendly, competitive play among people of all ages and skill levels. Keep a few of these paddles in a youth center, clubhouse or school, so local players can work on their serves or defensive saves. The rubber face has a dimpled, pips-out design, which delivers excellent ball grip, allowing community members to keep the ball on the table when their opponents serve up some serious topspin.

  • Economy paddle is ideal for friendly, recreational play on community ping-pong tables
  • Five-ply rubber face offers great grip on the ball when making offensive or defensive shots
  • Pips-out face is designed to deliver fast, accurate shots and to reduce the amount of spin on incoming serves or hits
  • Wood handle allows a secure grip in multiple positions for highly controlled ball handling
  • Red paddle color encourages competitive play by signifying different teams and sides
  • Activity: Table Tennis
  • Blade Material: Rubber
  • Brand: GameCraft®
  • Color: Red, Brown
  • Color Family: Red
  • Design: Pips-out
  • Quantity: 1

  • Rubber face
  • Pips out
  • 5 ply
  • Gamecraft

    GameCraft Economy Rubber Table Tennis Paddle




    Ships FedEx

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